
Entry (1/2)1  taloha
Elementary words  2  t~, aloha
Part of speech  3  preposition, past form
Vocabulary  4  Time
Explanations in Malagasy  5  Tranainy: Efa fomba taloha izany ~ Teraka talohan-dRakoto Rabe
6  Tamin' ny andro tany aloha ela, fahiny: Taloha, nisy ala teto antampon' itý tanàna [1.1]
Explanations in English  7  before, formerly, former. [1.2]
8  before [1.7]
Explanations in French  9  avant (temps passé) [1.8]
Examples  10  Tsaroako indray ny nanjo ahy taloha. [2.4]
11  taloha kosa ny kilalao foronina no betsaka. [2.117]
Analogs  12  fahiny, fahizay, fahizany, fahagola, fahagolantany, tany ambadik' i Manareza

Entry (2/2)13  taloha
Root  14  aloha
Part of speech  15  adverb, past form
Vocabulary  16  Time
Explanations in English  17  formerly [1.7]
Explanations in French  18  autrefois [1.8]
Compound words 
Tables and plates  20  All the adverbs

Anagrams  21  talaho, taloha

Updated on 2023/09/14